Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Loves of Late

Lately, I've had a positive mental shift!
I like to keep my little slice of the internet as positive as possible, but in all honesty, life over the past few years has been pretty turbulent. I have however, for the past year, been working on my mental health and recovering from anorexia with amazing professional help, and recently I've really began to feel so much better.
Far more ME : )

I decided to note some things that I feel have contributed to this recent positivity.
Here are some of the things I've been loving lately...

Superdrug layering lab in 'Blossom' - when you smell good, a feel good! -am I right?
The scent of this body mist is so similar 'alien - Mugler'
I've loved the iconic scent of Alien for AGES, but I don't currently have a high enough expendable income to afford such luxuries.
This is a bargain though, at 2 bottles for £6 in Superdrug.
Give it a sniff next time you're out shopping - you wont be disappointed!

Mindfulness - I've been trying to really focus my mind on the present, rather than getting all caught up in future thoughts, past worries and 'what ifs'. The 'Breathe' magazine and Pinterest have been the most helpful in achieving mindfulness.

AJR - I'm a huge lover of music. I play piano, guitar and a little ukulele.
Finding new music makes my soul happy. AJR are a band of brothers that I've been loving lately. Their upbeat music is catchy and I find that their lyrics are so relatable.
I'd highly recommend a little listen ♬

Actually enjoying the little things - It's easy to get stuck in a rut thinking "what's the point though?", but that phrase right there will dampen any joy.
I've really focussed on observing my internal monologue and as corny as it may sound, I've  found myself being much more carefree and able to enjoy the littlest joys that life has to offer.
(The drink above is a cream soda with ice, strawberries and blueberries-  yum)

Baking - For a few months, Chris (my boyfriend) and I had been wanting to begin a new hobby together. We wanted something creative that we could both focus on. However, with money being a little tight for us at the moment, night classes  and anything that required a high set-up-fee was just out of the question.
Baking is cheap, as easy or complex as you'd like, fun and tasty - most of the time!
We've even found ourselves baking flapjacks at 12:30am.
Yes don't even tell me, I already know... we REALLY know how to LIVE 😂

Spending time with loved ones and friends - While I wasn't well, I really isolated myself. I cut off friends and loved ones. My mind just couldn't handle anything above basic survival. With good nutrition and working on gradually improving my mental health, I've experienced a genuine WANT to socialise!

My boyfriend and I are also now lucky enough to get one day off per week together (for the past 2 years, our working schedule over-lapped - but no longer!)

Autumn - I feel like this one is a given. Glowing golden leaves, conkers, pinecones, autumnal walks in the park hand-in-hand with loved ones, wearing burnt oranges and deep burgundy, bundling up in soft knitted scarves and snuggly hoodies.
Ahhh I tip tap on m keyboard, going on for pages about my utter LOVE for Autumn <3 3="" font="">

In the comments below, I'd love it if you could let me know - What have you been loving lately?

Thank you SO much for visiting and I hope you're all having a fantastic day!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you've had some rough time over the past few years, but well done on getting better and working towards a brighter and more positive future! Mindfulness really helps in those situations I think. And baking with a partner is always a fun hobby! :D

    Julia x
    Last Post: Why It's OK to Take a Break |

  2. Thanks Julia and yea mindfulness is fab! Hope you're well xx

  3. I really love this post.. You're in love...

  4. That sweets, so yummy! Good luck to both you, what a nice couple!


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