Monday, 3 October 2016

Overcoming Hardship - Mindful Monday's #1

Hello Beautiful Daydreamers!

A few weeks back, I mentioned that I was going to begin a weekly motivational series for Autumn 2016. I thought long and hard about it and decided that the new series will be called "Mindful Monday's".

I have planned a theme for each of the coming Monday's and I'm super excited! I'm really looking forward to creating these motivational blog posts, and I hope you'll look forward to reading them each week. As this is an Autumnal series, I suggest that before you continue reading, you go and make yourself a hot chocolate, light a scented candle, and pop the warmest socks you have onto your tootsies!

This weeks post is going to be centred around the theory of overcoming hardship.
There is a famous quote (and song), that states "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and I firmly believe that this is true. If ever you're going through tough times, it can be productive to look on the positive side of things and simply accept that what doesn't kill you, really does make you a stronger, more experienced and above all, more rounded person.

In a recent life update, I mentioned that 2016 had been a pretty troublesome year for me. I told you about my parents divorce (which all began way back in January of this year) and also how my Mum and I have now moved out of the home that my brother and I grew up in. All of this can sound so miserable and morbid but I can honestly say that I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER.

After 8 months of total misery, I can finally allow my shoulders to fully drop. When I take a deep breath, I no longer feel myself being filled with anxiety and I am now appreciating every good thing
that happens - whether it be something as small as the sun shining whilst I walk my dog in the evening or something as big as being able to have a new job in retail job that I absolutely love.

What I'm trying to say in a really round-about way is that hardship isn't just life's way of messing with your head. Hardship is what moulds us into strong and well-rounded people. If you're reading this whilst going through some hard times, please believe me that IT WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. One day, you'll look back at this time and see it as a small (and possibly sad) frame of your life' but the main thing is, you'll be able to identify the good things that came from it. You'll appreciate everyday life so much more - and when the 'hard times' become potentially life-changing, the positive mindset that you acquire won't just last for a day, it will last forever, in the process, changing you (for the better) as a person.

My top three tips for overcoming hardship are:

  • Be optimistic. Try to find the positive side of every situation, it truly will make your life better.
  • Look towards the future. In 3 months time, things could be totally different once again - if you remain positive about the future, you hold all the cards.
  • Stay strong. Hardship can sometimes leave you feeling weak. If you opt to remain strong during the tough times, you will power through - and you'll come out the other end a far stronger person!

I hope that this post has been a useful read for some of you and if you like, feel free to share your story in the comments below.


  1. What a lovely idea. I'd love to see some practical tips. Emma x

  2. I agree with the sentiment that hard times don't last forever. When going through a difficult period sometimes all you can do is take it one day at a time.

  3. Can definitely agree with everything you've said, you don't struggle your whole life and you'll definitely get back up!
    Kathy x

  4. Love the motivation! You are so right. Thank you for sharing this!!! :)


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